23 August 2009

Another opportunity...missed

Certainly, someone has said this. It just seems like I've been really unplugged the past several weeks with work and family and stuff--but surely, someone has told the Republican party what a great opportunity they're about to piss away.

Everyone is healthcare crazy right now--Obama and the Dems are trying to play the typical, left-wing fascist by shoving something down our throats that we don't necessarily want and the Republicans are sitting back, grinning like fat cats every time a town hall turns into a "let's lynch our elected official," gathering (most should be lynched deservedly--with, our without, the healthcare debate). It's a mess.

Out of chaos, you'd think that some order would emerge. You would THINK that the Republican party who have a lot of guys with "M.D." before their Rs would have seen this opportunity and run with it. So far, I haven't heard it. I'm talking about an alternative to what the Dems are proposing.

It doesn't even have to be "comprehensive healthcare reform." A sensible start will do. Certainly with all the public squawking, figuring out what we need, right now, should not be an exercise in mental agility. And ya know, tweaking the healthcare system--for the good--is a complicated process, so let's not get in a hurry. But let's make a start.

And when the left says "no," to commonsense reforms (because they come from Republicans), they'll show themselves to be what they really are--the bad guys in all this mess.

Just as an FYI, Louisiana has THREE medical doctors in our Congressional contingent--that's a pretty good ratio for a "backwoods" state, don't you think? If the notion strikes, write or call Dr. Bill Cassidy, Dr. Charles Boustany or Dr. John Fleming and tell them to get on the stick crafting an alternative to the Nazi crap the Left is putting out!!


  1. Would love to see tort reform, insurance portability, and removing the ban on interstate insurance competition IMPOSED BY CONGRESS. On the whole, doing nothing at all beats the hell out of the obscenity being pushed by obamasama and the democrats.

  2. I think they're sitting back and watching the Dems hang themselves. I could be wrong but I bet they pounce once things calm down.
