12 August 2009

I know what side of the fence Facebook is on.

Since they chose to remove my group "Henry Louis Gates is a common thug," and not even have the decency to site specific examples as to WHY my group violated their Terms of Service.

I think it's because Facebook is run by those who would describe themselves as liberals--which really means that they know better than everyone else and don't have to explain anything to anyone.

Now, I fully recognize the fact that I am using Facebook at the mercy of those who OWN Facebook and, since it's their property, they're free to do as they please. However, a quick search of political groups on Facebook finds that there are far more that could be described as "left leaning" than those with bends to the right. This leads me to believe that my group was dismantled because I was not very kind to the president or "Dr." Gates. Do dear in mind that I didn't attack Gates or the pres, didn't wish them ill and didn't write anything that wasn't either the truth, or my opinion, or a fact which I felt adequately supported my opinion...I even allowed left-wing Obama worshippers to come on their and spout off--for no reason other than it was fun shooting them down.

I think the "Facebook" team gets the Who's a Douche award for the week....


  1. This is a great site that you have here. You should be proud. I have a debate site myself and I would like to exchange links with you. We have to stick together. Let me know. Jason

  2. Going to add you right now man. If you have any thoughts you would like others to read on any controversial issue, don't hesitate to place it on DEBATEitOUT.

    Take care man.

