29 March 2009

Jindal Jetting Around

Michelle Millhollon, queen of Baton Rouge muckrakers (or, perhaps, muckrakerettes), has yet another article trying to paint Governor Jindal in a less-than-flattering light.

She may actually have a point this time.

What we really need to ask is this: is the Governor of the State of Louisiana SOOOOO important and SOOOOO vulnerable that he needs Secret Service-like security, everywhere he goes? Granted, this has been going on a long time, so Jindal certainly isn't the first, but really...is this necessary? Considering 90% (or more) of Americans couldn't not identify Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States, if shown a picture, do we really need to kid ourselves (or stoke the Governor's ego--whoever that Governor may be) by thinking that the Governor of Louisiana is a big target and needs some of Louisiana's finest quickstepping behind him where ever he goes?

I think not.

I had a friend, a trooper, who got assigned to Blanco's protective detail when she was still the Lieutenant Governor...he walked around with his chest poked out (more so than your average ticket-writing, overbearing, egotistical Louisiana State Trooper) and the Aviators on, thinking he was the stink...we periodically had to remind him that A) no one knew, even in the state of Louisiana, who Kathleen Blanco was, B) no one cared (and, in fact, did not, till she botched the Katrina gig) and C) taking a bullet for ANY Louisiana pol pretty much demonstrated that you're as dumb as you look.

So, let's start saving Louisiana some money and tell Governors to hire their own security for out-of-state, personal trips--hell, Huey did it.

(oh, and Miss Millhollon, if you SERIOUSLY think Kathleen Blanco's overseas trips were to lobby foreign businesses and not really just a chance for Coach to get out of the house, you're as dumb as we think you are...)

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