(From Geology.com--a totally kick-ass website!)
Which is why a lot of us in the oil and gas industry are baffled when the Prez (or, anyone else, for that matter) says he wants to limit our dependence on foreign sources of energy and, take the next breath, not allow and/or severely limit domestic exploration and production activities. Cake and eat it, too? Or, maybe, talking out of both sides of one's mouth?
I could rant on until I was nauseated about WHY the domestic oil and gas industry is good for the country--but if you want to get down to brass thingies--domestic energy equals domestic jobs. And not minimum-wage, no-benefit, burger-flipping jobs either. It's easy and plain to see what is actually going on...
It's part of the left's master plan: kiss the green wackos' asses, raise the price on energy until it becomes prohibitive to use, take money out of the working man's pocket and, ultimately, try to get everyone beholden to Big Government for everything.
It's sickening.
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