It's odd how things seem to accumulate and bunch up toward the end of the week. Even on my days at work (when I manage to make a daily blog entry AND watch what my fantasy baseball team is doing), by Friday, there seem to be multiple things that have come up that I'd like to discuss. So, maybe Friday is a good day for a potluck entry.
South of the Rio Grande, We get the blame...
I thought seriously of hunting up a copy of the
book Hugo Chavez gave to President Obama, knowing that it was probably a serious work of historical fiction. I changed my mind when I came across a
piece on detailing how this book features prominently in some college-level classes.
That's pretty much when I gave up on it.
I could stomach reading it and being able to laugh about the lies contained therein, but knowing that there are some in "higher" education putting this crap out as the truth, completely turns me off to the idea of reading it. I don't have a lot of use for those in "education" anyway...and academics at the college level tend to be the cream-of-the-"those who can, do; those who cannot, teach,"-crop...and they ALWAYS seem to be pissed off at America. Maybe they feel that the "man" is keeping them down...who knows.
Anyway, I'm not reading the book.
Here's the truth: Latin America continues to be a backwater because of the people who populate it...people who choose to remain ignorant or choose to believe that they're beset upon by another people or people who choose to remain lazy or people who just aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to be free. We should look at the rest of the Americas and see what path we're headed down...
Eduardo Galeano, don't blame the woes of a continent on the "white man from North America (or Europe)." South of the Rio Grande, you all have no one to blame but yourselves...
Witch Hunts
All I have to say about the left's "enhanced interrogation technique" witch hunt is that things like this have caused armed revolution in other places.
What makes it even more sickening and maddening is that Pelosi is
LYING (you know...lying...a sin) about knowing of the employment of these techniques. I mean, if she really thinks she can get away with one this big, she's either really stupid...or thinks the American people are really stupid. I think it's the latter--typical leftist-lib attitude, "I'm smarter than you, therefore, I can do what I please."
Let's just all remember this--
The Constitution doesn't say ANYTHING at all about rights of people who aren't citizens of this country. In fact, the tone of the document and the historical context of it's construction would lead you to believe that the framers intended that the rights enumerated were intended ONLY for citizens of the United States. Sounds like irregular, non-uniformed, foreign enemy combatants are out of luck...
I can't believe we bothered to save that place...I'm no fan of
David Duke (don't be terribly surprised if your net nanny blocks "Dr." Duke's homepage...mine did). He's a clown...on the same clown spectrum as the left-wing Dems...just at the opposite end. But, his
detention in Prague demonstrates very well what happens when "liberalism" outlives its usefulness.
Officially, Duke is being detained on (and I have a hard time typing this with a straight face) "suspicion of denying the Holocaust." I just don't have anything else to say--the fact that that's even a law in a civilized, Western nation is mind boggling.
We probably should have waited for Europe to tear itself to pieces and then gone in and turned the entire place into a vacation destination for Americans (but just North Americans--those pesky South Americans have to stay down there and pick our asparagus and stuff).
Finally...Who's a Douche??
I have NO idea where this clown came from.
I saw a link, on the media section of my blog of all places, for his website, It was a jab piece aimed at
Bobby Jindal and his book deal. I had to read it...of all the things you can legitimately bitch about re: the Gov, I couldn't figure out HOW someone was going to parlay his book deal into a point of contention.
Was I disappointed. Not only was the piece really lowbrow. It was really poorly written. I mean, I was looking for spelling errors--it was that poorly done. The grammar was atrocious...I mean, it was AWFUL. I had to find out more about the idiot that put it together....well, here he is:

(photo from Mr. Sabludowsky's bio page at
Meet Stephen Sabludowsky. Attorney, internet expert, left-winger and really, really shitty blogger. His command of the Queen's English sucks too. His bio reads like something a really slow third grader would cobble together. In fact, the whole website looks like something out of a third grade internet project...go see for yourself.
But, Steve, you get the douche award this go 'round. Bet your mom's proud.