He goes on to blame the weapons proliferation in northern Mexico on the United States. HUH? Seems the statistic he's quoting (90% of the weapons seized in Mexico are of US origin) is a lie (not an error, or a mistake or a misunderstanding--a lie, like, you know, a sin). His lying Ambassador to the United States tossed out the same made-up statistic about a week ago. Considering that cheaper things are available for the cartel to use, from central and south American suppliers...cheaper, fully automatic weapons, easier to get...it makes NO SENSE that guns would be pouring south over our borders.
Two Mexicans lying would be funny if it weren't for the fact that the ever-truthful Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State, Senator Diane Feinsten and some douche from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, are all spouting the same lie. You can't trust these people...you can't trust them any further than you can throw them.
Shell Is Evil
Shell Exploration Company Americas, better known around here as "Shell Oil," has been a key player in this state for a long time...additionally, Shell has made New Orleans it's home (why, God only knows). After Hurricane Katrina, Shell moved very, very quickly to get their New Orleans operations back up and running and made a very public committment to helping rebuild NOLA.
To such ends, Shell sponsors a lot of big time, big money, New Orleans events, such as Jazz Festival. Never to let a whole string of good deeds go unpunished, the ingrates who populate New Orleans plan on flying a plane, towing a banner accusing Shell of ruining Louisiana's wetlands, over the Jazz Fest this year...and are soliciting donations to keep the plane in the air.
If I were Shell, I'd say "fuck y'all, we're out...and we hope the next big one washes this shithole right in to the Gulf." (You know, thinking of it, New Orleans really should be a Mexican city...sliding it into the Gulf would be a good start.)
The Advocate really is a rag...
And is beating the Jindal travelogue to death. I completely agree that the Jindal campaign coffers should be responsible for reimbursing the state for providing security for governor's non-governing related out of town trips. But these articles do their best to paint Jindal in a negative light.
Melinda Deslatte is a little more even handed with the subject matter than Michelle Millhollan was...but after stating that LSP spent more protecting Blanco in the same time period than they have Jindal...makes it a point to say that Blanco's big overseas excursions were for "business developement." Bullshit.
If The Advocate would like to demonstrate any journalistic integrity at all, they should do two things: 1) call for Jindal to reimburse the state and 2) go after the Legislature and get them to change that INANE law that requires the governor to be protected by state troopers at all times. Troopers have better things to do like harass motorists and eat donuts.
And finally...Who's a Douche?
Note that it's douche with a capital "D" this go 'round!!!

Her department released an "assessment," which basically said that if you believe in God, have voted Republican or have served in the Armed Forces, you're probably in line to be a right-wing extremist. It insinuated that if you really resented paying your taxes or thought people shouldn't get so much welfare, you're a traitor. If, God forbid, you happen to own a firearm, you should be tatooed, have a tracking device implanted in you and placed under house arrest for the rest of your natural days.
Hey Janet--fuck you. How about that for right-wing ideology?
Good posts! The skunkhead at DHS is even worse than the inbred looking guy she replaced. Obamasama can really pick 'em!
ReplyDeleteLMFAO! I almost fell out of my chair reading "troopers have better things to do".