Various and sundry rants from (and on) the oilfield, the State of Louisiana and the state of this country. Not necessarily in that order...and that's not necessarily a complete list...
15 September 2009
Funniest Defense Yet...
11 September 2009
It requires $25,000 of other peoples' money...
03 September 2009
23 August 2009
Another opportunity...missed
12 August 2009
I know what side of the fence Facebook is on.
Nomination for a Darwin Award
If you feel compelled to go to the top of a ten story building to collect your thoughts AND you have a degree in mechanical engineering, you should know how bad gravity can be if you get too close to the edge.
Call me insensitive, but I really don't have sympathy for those lacking in the common sense department.
07 August 2009
Fellow Louisiana Taxpayers:
Fellow Louisiana Taxpayers:
The Senate voted last night, 60-37, to continue the “Cash for Clunkers” program.
However, one important amendment, which could have made the continuation of this program much more palatable for the U.S. taxpayers, was rejected.
LA Senator David Vitter offered an amendment to provide a real termination date for the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), which is the $700 billion financial bailout passed last Fall, with the support of then-President George Bush and Congressional leadership of both parties. The legislation, which introduced socialism into our banking system, provided for the Treasure-Secretary to have the authority to extend the bailout for another two years after the 2009 termination date.
Back then, Sen. Mary Landrieu, who was in the middle of a re-election campaign, bragged about standing up for LA taxpayers and voting AGAINST the bailout. She sent out press releases.
However, last night, Senator Landrieu voted AGAINST Vitter’s amendment to repeal the extension power and set the real termination date of financial bailouts to this year.
The measure failed 41-56, with three Democrats voting for ending the bailout. But Senator Landrieu voted to continue throwing out taxpayer money.
Mary Landrieu…claiming to stand up for taxpayers of Louisiana and votes our wishes during re-election season, but continues to put the screws to us the other 5 years.
Senator Landrieu’s office numbers:
(504) 589-2427
(225) 389-0395
(318) 676-3085
(337) 436-6650
31 July 2009
Some people have too much time on their hands
26 July 2009
The LAE hates Paul Pastorek because...
23 July 2009
For Immediate Release
15 July 2009
Affirmative Action has failed us all...
04 July 2009
The Stupid Douche Award goes to.....
Wow....what a dumbass. 500 B.C., huh, Gwyneth...
Please, stay your ugly ass in Europe...we have enough anti-American clowns to deal with here.
03 July 2009
Fatherhood does things to you....
Well, becoming "Daddy" has a way of taking the edge off, at least for me...and softening things. Tragic events were just things reported on the evening news and not things that provided bother, much less consideration. If it didn't impact my little schedule, it was hardly worth me giving any thought to, much less sympathy for people "I didn't even know."
Now, bad things happening to kids has become a serious bother for me. I mean, troubling and upsetting. A couple of months ago, I had a few things to say about a small boy, killed by a pair of dogs in Morganza, Louisiana. As that story went, it was an accident and probably very much a fluke of nature--still, completely and totally tragic for an entire community. Thinking of it hurt my soul, as I know how much my little man means to me. In a situation like that, you have to believe that God does such things for a reason, lest you go nuts being troubled by it.
The latest happening, in addition to being troubling and vexing, makes me fucking mad.
From The Advocate on Thursday, 1 July:
I first heard the story on the radio and was troubled immediately just by the scant information given in the initial reports. Adding to the somewhat nauseating feeling it gave me, knowing that I passed by that place, as this was happening, gave me that feeling you get right before your skin gets a little clammy. Troubling. Very, very troubling.A 3-year-old girl died Wednesday after being left inside a day-care
center van parked in an uncovered driveway for almost six hours.
The more information revealed, the more troubling I found the whole episode and the angrier I found myself becoming. I'm not even going to get into the can read it for yourself. So, now I'm sad AND angry...and then someone calls into WJBO yesterday morning, suggesting that perhaps there should be some sympathy for the daycare workers because of this accident as they're going to have to live with this for the rest of their lives.
How about you have some sympathy for them--I actually would like to see them burnt at the stake. All three of them that were in that van, that lost track of that little girl. I don't know what's going to come of the police investigation or what action District Attorney Hillar Moore may take. I do know that jail would certainly be too easy for anyone involved here.
Hard and cold may still have their applications.
29 June 2009
Tell Your Senator That Cap and Trade Sucks
26 June 2009
You have the right to get MADD....
During a story on some clown who's been arrested for DWI five times, WBRZ (who purports to be fair and balanced, but has a hard time balancing fair with their editorial bias) wrapped the story up with a quote from the executive director of MADD here in Louisiana. To paraphrase Ms. Donna Tate--I don't know how someone with five DWI arrests can still be driving...
Well, Donna, how about an arrest isn't a conviction. Let's start there. In fact, we can stop right there too. MADD are actually a bunch of people who don't give a rat's tail about your Constitutional or civil rights--all they care about is their agenda, which is pretty much saying that if you drink you're bad.
I'd pay money to see Ms. Tate to get gigged after leaving the bar room and blowing a 0.081.
13 June 2009
Some sense from Southern U....
With the state facing some serious money issues, and our constitution being what is, higher education and health care are about the only two places to make budget cuts. Of course, the educators are howling and the rich hospital administrator lobby is lying on the airwaves. EVERYONE hates having the tit pulled out from their mouth.
That being said, some of the powers that be at Southern University are speaking a truth that's been lost on the rest of the state--get rid of the administrators and keep the people who get the work done. In higher ed, this means faculty.
Granted, there will be some faculty cuts at Southern, but there is a recognition that it is administration that needs to be pruned.
This is a lesson that this state needs to take to heart....
01 June 2009
Who's a Douche -- Collegiate Baseball Edition

Baseball is a cult in Baton Rouge. LSU Baseball, specifically (note the capital "B" in baseball). I really could give a rat's ass less what happens in other LSU sports--but I pay close attention to baseball.
One of the things that is a MAJOR draw for LSU baseball is the fact that, for as long as damn near anyone can remember, it's been a very classy group of young men. Year in and year out, the LSU baseball team has exhibited strong work ethic, great sportsmanship and, very regularly, a strong academic performance. On the field, they comport themselves VERY well -- winning or losing (case in point--during the LSU/Southern U. game at the beginning of this season's regional, the Southern starting pitcher put on a PERFORMANCE...he held LSU's batters at bay and kept the game really close. When Roger Cador decided to pull him, he got a round of applause from the stands AND the LSU dugout). Being a sport is just expected.
Enter this week's douche, Todd Oakes. Todd is the pitching coach for Minnesota and his little boy was a senior pitcher for the club this year. Apparently, nepotism is no big deal in the frigid north.
After a particularly bad call during the LSU/Minnesota final of the Baton Rouge regional, the Minnesota bench got their panties knotted up and started giving the umpire crew a hard time. Out goes the younger Oakes. was a REALLY bad call--no one doubted that at all, and you're entitled to make a little issue of it. But know when to say "when," and get on with the game...and certainly...CERTAINLY...don't hold that grudge past the close of the inning.
So, we're down one Oakes (who was apparently going to make his last pitching appearance before being shown the door) and be damned if several innings later, while Minnesota is getting ass-raped, Daddy Oakes decides to give the home plate umpire the what-for for the bad call three or four innings ago. Apparently the douche doesn't fall far from the vinegar bottle.
Out goes the elder Oakes.
Dear Minnesota Baseball--next time you come to play in a BR regional, please have your A game on--on the field and from the dugout. If there's anything we don't appreciate on our diamond, it's a display of classlessness.
(Photo of Mr. Oakes linked from the Minnesota Athletics website)
28 May 2009
And, in fact...
The headline should read "Dem Contributor with political aspirations..."
And certainly I'm very tardy in getting this post out the door...but, while Jim Bernhard is telling the legislature what they should do and implying that he knows better than the Gov...Shaw is quietly laying off. A few here, a few there...and, from what I've been able to find out, none in Louisiana. How convenient.
I personally don't care if Shaw lays off or not...but, what I feel is totally disingenuous is the fact that Shaw is laying off at the same time Bernhard is wanting to "give back" bonus money the state has paid Shaw for early project completion. Two things jump out at me: Jim obviously doesn't give a crack about his employees and where are the Shaw stockholders when it comes to returning profits? No one has heard from them.
There are other things at work here--Bernhard made a habit out of flying KBB and Coach around the planet on Shaw jets. He writes big checks to Dem causes and candidates. He's going out of his way to make Jindal look stupid.
See Jim run--I don't care what he said on "Tune In."
23 May 2009
No one said you had to be smart...
Watch out for the "aggressive" DWI enforcement here in Louisiana this weekend. But, come Tuesday, we'll go back to only enforcing the limits on blood alcohol in a half-ass, haphazard manner.
This is dumb like "Click it or ticket," and the gay "Feel the heat," campaign. While I don't have time to run the numbers right now--intuitively, you should know that if you decide to drive under the influence, drive sans seat belt or speed, your odds of getting away with it are far greater than the odds that a cop will accept a free doughnut. If I were one to wager, I'd call it a "sure thing."
How about we do this--we aggressively enforce traffic laws that pertain to safety, we concentrate our efforts on areas where we will make the roads safest for the greatest number of people and we do it all the time. Not just on busy, holiday weekends.
And let's CERTAINLY give up the two dumb ass practices of concentrating troopers and other law enforcement personnel at seat belt and sobriety checkpoints. If you want to get the most enforcement for your buck, putting all your pigs in one place is WAY, WAY dumb....
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend...and, if the opportunity presents itself, thank a member of our Armed Forces.
11 May 2009
Don't you hate long absences?
Until I have time to carry on about the likes of useless pieces of trash--such as Wanda Sykes (and our president and his press corps)--you four will have to amuse yourself with this little tidbit:
Read the article and bear in mind that Jerry Denton RAN for this job--it wasn't foisted upon him.
04 May 2009
N'Awlins Airshow 2009

We discovered this when, kind of on a whim, we took him to the Sertoma Air Show in Lafayette in November of last year. Okay...daddy and his Papi really wanted to go, so we dragged mom and Ma'am along with us. That meant the that soon-to-be two-year-old was coming, like it or not.
And like it he did! He was infatuated with the planes, a little intimidated by the noise of the military hardware but really in to it. As each plane would taxi on to the runway, he'd wave to it and let everyone who cared to listen know that planes go "bye-bye."
So, with a chance to take him to a real military airshow, I couldn't resist.
The drive to New Orleans was well worth the show we got to see at the 2009 N'Awlins Airshow, held at NAS JRB New Orleans, in Belle Chasse. After we parked (like 200 meters from the flight line) and cleared security (which saw us in line for all of about 3 minutes), we set lawn chairs out at air show center (no kidding--we beat the Sunday crowd by going on Saturday...who'd have thought??) and immediately were treated to flyovers from a B-52 and a B-2 Spirit. Not that he'll remember it, but the boy will probably never see a B-52 in the air again and the historical importance of that plane cannot be overstated.
The rest of the show was great! The Blue Angels were the headline performer but, and I hate to say this, the Air Force really snuck one in on 'em. In addition to flying the two heavies over (the B-2 is otherworldly in appearance), the Air Force's Viper East demo unit, flying the F-16, was killer!! But the real draw was the chance to see these guys in the air:

Totally and completely a wonderful, enjoyable Saturday--I got to spend the day with my son and my mom and dad (the wife was contributing to the financial well-being of the American Left by attending Jazz Fest) and the boy got exposed to some of the men, women and material that have helped defend this country and guarantee our freedoms.
Which is where it gets pretty melancholy.
Because the current administration really doesn't value our armed forces, the job they perform or the important place they occupy in securing our liberties, they're getting their financial legs cut out from beneath them. Those of us not serving generally don't see that and wouldn't give it much thought otherwise, but it was made apparent when I found out that this could possibly be the last airshow at NAS New Orleans for some time.
It seems that the Navy, who's dealing with a quickly shrinking budget, may have to curtail the number of airshows they host. In one of the best ways for the public to see what their tax dollars are buying and interact with the men and women serving them, the airshow is a no-brainer from an expense perspective...yet, the Obama clowns are basically saying screw the military. So, the military is going to be a in a crunch.
And the public, my son included, are losing out.
30 April 2009
Who's A Douche--The Weekly Dose

So from my perspective, what it relates to is mitigation. If you're out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes, that's one thing. If you're in a closed aircraft, a closed container, closed car, a closed classroom, it's a different thing.
Meet Joe the epidemiologist.
I've come up with a brilliant idea for Biden after his political career is over--he can rent himself out to people to make them look smart. All he has to do is stand around and periodically open his mouth and whoever is in his immediate vicinity looks brilliant. Instantly.
God save us all.
I wasn't really worried about swine flu until I realized...
Reports of his demise...
Prior to the start of this session, many of Louisiana's political "pundits" predicted that the Gov might have a hard time with legislature looking to reap a little revenge or exert a little authority on the Governor. Seems that these pundits think that there might be a spine hidden somewhere in the group of twits.
Given that we're three days into the session now and Jimmy Faircloth marched his silver-maned, used-car-salesman looking ass right into the House and Governmental Affairs Committee and told them "no, you're not going to do that...or that...or that either. And, you can do that, but this is HOW you're going to do it," and 70% of the legislators present voted exactly how Mr. Faircloth told them to vote....I'd say the body is still pretty afraid of the Gov. Pundits wrong about Louisiana politics again--imagine that.
Nobody said you had to be smart...
To win a seat in the Louisiana House. Take Karen Gaudet St. Germain, D-Pierre Part (I know, it sounds like the start of a bad joke). Mrs. Gaudet St. Germain's contribution, so far this session--a ban on "gimmick" cigarette lighters. If the proverbial "they" catch you selling a "gimmick" cigarette lighter, your retail outlet could be fined $250. Apparently, they're still legal to own, as there was nothing saying you'd have your white boots or trailer seized if found in possession of one.
After contemplating this particular bill, I wasn't sure what scared me most--that this was worthy enough to be introduced in a "fiscal only" session or that it actually got out of committee. Overwhelmingly. When polled on the lineage of this bill, Mrs. Gaudet St. Germain replied " know...when I was cousin's friend burned herself with a lighter....or something."
I like Jindal, but....
He has a tendency to come across as hypocritical, which really irks me. And it probably irks me more from him than some politicians because he did run on a "reform" platform and continues to push it today.
This has been a two year battle, but it's time Jindal opens the books on the Governor's Office. It's not like we're going to be exposing state secrets or something. Jimmy Faircloth's assertion that it would intrude on executive privilege and stifle discussion at the stop is horsecrap. I applaud Wayne Waddell, R-Shreveport, for having the burls to introduce this legislation again this year.
Next year, buddy--third time's a charm!
28 April 2009
How slimy are politicians?
Now that I've gotten that out of my system....
Let's talk about how a politician can be slimy. I mean, there are COUNTLESS ways--see Rod Blagojevich--but I'm talking about subliminally slimy...things that are really low class and shitty, but cause us, in this country, to simply shrug and say "that's politics." Spectre gave us one example today--switching parties while still in office.
You know, it's okay to have a conversion, come to Jesus or whatever and realize that your current party affiliation doesn't work for you personally and it's time for a change. But don't be so disrespectful of the people who elected you to switch horses mid-stream. Yet, it happens and we shrug. The "Arlen Ambush" was even more egregious because it was SOLELY motivated by politics--he saw the "Pat Toomey is going to treat me like a bitch in a primary," writing on the wall and jumped ship to save his sorry, old, political hide.
And this isn't ugly because Spectre jumped ship from the Republican party--it was his choice of time to execute his party switch. The truth is, he needed to go--he wasn't a conservative at all and the party is far better off without him. In Louisiana, there have been a couple of notable Dem-to-Republican conversions--but Buddy Roemer and Mike Foster had the class to do it while they were not in office.
Another slimy aspect of this--and a Republican president would have done the same thing; that wouldn't make it any less slimy--was Obama falling all over himself to embrace Spectre, promising fundraising, etc...when we all know, full good and well that the two would not have been seen in the same zip code with a finite pool of dollars just 24 hours earlier. And we still shrug and write it off to politics.
You know, our politicians are just a magnification of what's wrong with all of us...and it's getting uglier all the time.
27 April 2009
Another gift from Mexico
Note how no one in the administration or the media is making the oh-so-logical leap that perhaps, in addition to bringing crime across the border and sucking up taxpayer-supplied resources, illegals are now responsible for moving influenza from one side to the other. Apparently, it's the Mexican peoples' gift to us for flooding their market with illegal guns (yeah, right).
Here's a real quick solution: let's keep our guns and shoot the illegals as they cross...I mean, that's how the Asians have dealt with avian influenza.
25 April 2009
24 April 2009
Friday Catch-all
South of the Rio Grande, We get the blame...
I thought seriously of hunting up a copy of the book Hugo Chavez gave to President Obama, knowing that it was probably a serious work of historical fiction. I changed my mind when I came across a piece on detailing how this book features prominently in some college-level classes.
That's pretty much when I gave up on it.
I could stomach reading it and being able to laugh about the lies contained therein, but knowing that there are some in "higher" education putting this crap out as the truth, completely turns me off to the idea of reading it. I don't have a lot of use for those in "education" anyway...and academics at the college level tend to be the cream-of-the-"those who can, do; those who cannot, teach,"-crop...and they ALWAYS seem to be pissed off at America. Maybe they feel that the "man" is keeping them down...who knows.
Anyway, I'm not reading the book.
Here's the truth: Latin America continues to be a backwater because of the people who populate it...people who choose to remain ignorant or choose to believe that they're beset upon by another people or people who choose to remain lazy or people who just aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to be free. We should look at the rest of the Americas and see what path we're headed down...
So, Eduardo Galeano, don't blame the woes of a continent on the "white man from North America (or Europe)." South of the Rio Grande, you all have no one to blame but yourselves...
Witch Hunts
All I have to say about the left's "enhanced interrogation technique" witch hunt is that things like this have caused armed revolution in other places.
What makes it even more sickening and maddening is that Pelosi is LYING (you know...lying...a sin) about knowing of the employment of these techniques. I mean, if she really thinks she can get away with one this big, she's either really stupid...or thinks the American people are really stupid. I think it's the latter--typical leftist-lib attitude, "I'm smarter than you, therefore, I can do what I please."
Let's just all remember this--The Constitution doesn't say ANYTHING at all about rights of people who aren't citizens of this country. In fact, the tone of the document and the historical context of it's construction would lead you to believe that the framers intended that the rights enumerated were intended ONLY for citizens of the United States. Sounds like irregular, non-uniformed, foreign enemy combatants are out of luck...
I can't believe we bothered to save that place...
I'm no fan of David Duke (don't be terribly surprised if your net nanny blocks "Dr." Duke's homepage...mine did). He's a clown...on the same clown spectrum as the left-wing Dems...just at the opposite end. But, his detention in Prague demonstrates very well what happens when "liberalism" outlives its usefulness.
Officially, Duke is being detained on (and I have a hard time typing this with a straight face) "suspicion of denying the Holocaust." I just don't have anything else to say--the fact that that's even a law in a civilized, Western nation is mind boggling.
We probably should have waited for Europe to tear itself to pieces and then gone in and turned the entire place into a vacation destination for Americans (but just North Americans--those pesky South Americans have to stay down there and pick our asparagus and stuff).
Finally...Who's a Douche??
I have NO idea where this clown came from.
I saw a link, on the media section of my blog of all places, for his website, It was a jab piece aimed at Bobby Jindal and his book deal. I had to read it...of all the things you can legitimately bitch about re: the Gov, I couldn't figure out HOW someone was going to parlay his book deal into a point of contention.
Was I disappointed. Not only was the piece really lowbrow. It was really poorly written. I mean, I was looking for spelling errors--it was that poorly done. The grammar was atrocious...I mean, it was AWFUL. I had to find out more about the idiot that put it together....well, here he is:
(photo from Mr. Sabludowsky's bio page at
Meet Stephen Sabludowsky. Attorney, internet expert, left-winger and really, really shitty blogger. His command of the Queen's English sucks too. His bio reads like something a really slow third grader would cobble together. In fact, the whole website looks like something out of a third grade internet project...go see for yourself.
But, Steve, you get the douche award this go 'round. Bet your mom's proud.
23 April 2009
Every time I read about a new poll....
22 April 2009
Ban the Van!!!
20 April 2009
We're from the government and we're here to save the Erf....
16 April 2009
What we really need are less lying Mexicans
He goes on to blame the weapons proliferation in northern Mexico on the United States. HUH? Seems the statistic he's quoting (90% of the weapons seized in Mexico are of US origin) is a lie (not an error, or a mistake or a misunderstanding--a lie, like, you know, a sin). His lying Ambassador to the United States tossed out the same made-up statistic about a week ago. Considering that cheaper things are available for the cartel to use, from central and south American suppliers...cheaper, fully automatic weapons, easier to makes NO SENSE that guns would be pouring south over our borders.
Two Mexicans lying would be funny if it weren't for the fact that the ever-truthful Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State, Senator Diane Feinsten and some douche from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, are all spouting the same lie. You can't trust these can't trust them any further than you can throw them.
Shell Is Evil
Shell Exploration Company Americas, better known around here as "Shell Oil," has been a key player in this state for a long time...additionally, Shell has made New Orleans it's home (why, God only knows). After Hurricane Katrina, Shell moved very, very quickly to get their New Orleans operations back up and running and made a very public committment to helping rebuild NOLA.
To such ends, Shell sponsors a lot of big time, big money, New Orleans events, such as Jazz Festival. Never to let a whole string of good deeds go unpunished, the ingrates who populate New Orleans plan on flying a plane, towing a banner accusing Shell of ruining Louisiana's wetlands, over the Jazz Fest this year...and are soliciting donations to keep the plane in the air.
If I were Shell, I'd say "fuck y'all, we're out...and we hope the next big one washes this shithole right in to the Gulf." (You know, thinking of it, New Orleans really should be a Mexican city...sliding it into the Gulf would be a good start.)
The Advocate really is a rag...
And is beating the Jindal travelogue to death. I completely agree that the Jindal campaign coffers should be responsible for reimbursing the state for providing security for governor's non-governing related out of town trips. But these articles do their best to paint Jindal in a negative light.
Melinda Deslatte is a little more even handed with the subject matter than Michelle Millhollan was...but after stating that LSP spent more protecting Blanco in the same time period than they have Jindal...makes it a point to say that Blanco's big overseas excursions were for "business developement." Bullshit.
If The Advocate would like to demonstrate any journalistic integrity at all, they should do two things: 1) call for Jindal to reimburse the state and 2) go after the Legislature and get them to change that INANE law that requires the governor to be protected by state troopers at all times. Troopers have better things to do like harass motorists and eat donuts.
And finally...Who's a Douche?
Note that it's douche with a capital "D" this go 'round!!!

Her department released an "assessment," which basically said that if you believe in God, have voted Republican or have served in the Armed Forces, you're probably in line to be a right-wing extremist. It insinuated that if you really resented paying your taxes or thought people shouldn't get so much welfare, you're a traitor. If, God forbid, you happen to own a firearm, you should be tatooed, have a tracking device implanted in you and placed under house arrest for the rest of your natural days.
Hey Janet--fuck you. How about that for right-wing ideology?
This is just neat....
Well, I guess we all haven't...those of us who kinda grew up tailgating at LSU and attending LSU (and some of us even managing to graduate from LSU).
Y'all know what I'm talking about--it's the Indian Mounds!! Those three, kinda out of place "hills," just up the hill from the stadium...
A constant source of wonder, even today apparently...check out the story in The Advocate about what they've discovered in the mounds now...
15 April 2009
Like spoiled kids, who don't know their place....
Which is pretty much what LSU's faculty does anytime anyone in a position of authority makes a decision. It doesn't even have to be about money--ANY decision from on high knots their panties. It's truly amazing. I don't know how bad it is at other state universities, as LSU is really the only college which gets any coverage here (which makes sense), but good Lord, they whine...
And NOTHING illustrates my point better than this little gem:
LSU library and information science graduate student Jon Frosch accused Martin and Merget of operating in a “shadowy and secretive manner.”
“It has not been well thought through. You have not included us in the process,” Frosch yelled before stomping loudly out of the lecture hall.
Hey, Mr. Frosch, why don't you go home and cry to mommy. (I really wanted to put Mr. Frosch's email address in here, so people could drop him a note, telling him what a bitch he is but, in typical bitch fashion, he doesn't have it listed on the LSU public directory.)
A grown man, employed by an institute of higher learning, working on an advanced degree, cries like a child and "stomps" out of a meeting. Surely, you jest.
Just a note to the LSU faculty and staff--you all are employees, not constituents. You work FOR the university, you don't run it. And, if you feel you're not being treated fairly, not feeling the love, not happy and all that jazz, you can do as employees do every day, all over this country, when they don't like the way things are going at their place of business--pack your things and leave. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
14 April 2009
Death in a Small Town
On Friday, a small boy, just four years old, was playing in his yard. His mother gardened. Next door, the boy's neighbor and her fiance were cleaning out their dog kennels. The weather was mild. Certainly, people all over were out enjoying the day--Good Friday, here, is a family day and an outside day. And, it was a nice day to be out...soon, the south Louisiana heat would be oppressive and the only comfortable place will be inside, in the safety of the air conditioning. But not today.
Why the dogs chose to go through the barbed wire fence, as their kennels were cleaned, we won't know. By all accounts, the dogs were loved and well-cared for...pets, since puppies. The woman, who owned them, raised them since they were small. They were her pets. Her fiance, helping her clean the kennels, was a K9 officer for the Sheriff's Department. He knew dogs. No one thought anything of letting the dogs in to the yard while their kennels were cleaned.
The dogs went through the fence. To where the small boy was.
There will never be answers as to why what happened, happened. Not answers that we'll ever accept or understand. We understand that the man--the sheriff's deputy who knew dogs, who let the dogs out of the kennel and in to their yard--did his best to save the boy. Knowing dogs as he does, as he uses them in his job, he probably recognized the futility of his efforts. He tried anyway. He wasn't successful.
Morganza is sad. A little town has lost a little person. Probably every person in Morganza has lost some of themselves. No one involved in this incident is, or was, or probably ever will be, a bad person. Looking at it, no one even made a poor decision--certainly not anything that was out of the norm or different. You can't even hate and make yourself feel better.
Say a prayer for that family. Their loss is of the most incredible, terrible kind.
Say a prayer for that deputy. Everytime he closes his eyes, for the rest of his days, he'll wonder how what he did caused this. He'll hate himself for it and sometimes that hate will be nearly unbearable.
Say a prayer for Morganza. In a little town, everyone hurts together.
13 April 2009
The Dems get their man....
The people of Minnesota should be really proud.
12 April 2009
Afraid not, Mr. Benan
Case in point--we all know that Bobby Jindal supported Lee Domingue for the Louisiana Senate District 16 seat. We know that Dan Claitor beat the shit out of Lee Domingue. Finally, we know that Dan Claitor won because he's a good guy and Lee Domingue lost because he's a slimy, swindling douche (at least, according to every one with an opinion and Paula Pennington de la Bretton).
Of course, that's not how it plays out in the D.C. left-wing rags....nooooooo. Exhibit A--writing for The Washington Monthly (in a daily column, no less) Steve Benan explains Domingue's loss thusly:
And while I don't usually report on state Senate races, there was a big contest in Louisiana over the weekend, featuring Lee Domingue, a right-wing Republican who enjoyed the enthusiastic support of Gov. Bobby Jindal (R). Domingue, a Biblical literalist who wants creationism taught in public schools and supports banning single Louisiana citizens from adopting children, lost badly.
I'm pretty sure that Mr. Domingue's ultra-fucked-up, literal Bible view had NOTHING to do with his loss...but it plays well for the left to present it that way.
You have to be careful with these people....they're slimy, swindling douches.
10 April 2009
The previously untitled post....
This is the USS Bainbridge. She's an Arleigh Burke AEGIS class guided missile destroyer. She packs about as much punch as a World War II era aircraft carrier or battleship and can project power every bit as far. Impressive, huh?

Okay....this is a Somali pirate. He's uneducated, unclean, is probably on drugs and his most potent weapon is the RPG. Not a whole lot to be concerned with, right?

These guys wouldn't even cut it in back of town, New Roads....
Now, if someone could be so kind as to explain this dynamic to me:
09 April 2009
Have you ever been to Atlantic City???
More offshore drilling will negatively impact tourism? Huh? Have you ever BEEN to Atlantic City? The only thing that would help that place out is a high-yield nuclear device leveling it and rendering it uninhabitable for a million years.
A few platforms off the coast might actually give the place a little class.
08 April 2009
Who's a Douche (Installment Two)?

(Photo courtesy
Governor Heineman is crying like a spoiled 2 year old because Barksdale Air Force Base, near Shreveport, was named the site of some new Air Force command dealing with nuclear cruise missiles and bombers....Heineman thought Offutt AFB, in Nebraska should have gotten the gig. So, now, he's wasting ALL of our tax dollars by screaming for some investigation into the process that awarded the command to Barksdale.
Not very Republican, Governor Dave. Congratulations on being this week's Douche.
07 April 2009
Jindal's Foray Fails...
This was just a boneheaded move for the Gov on two fronts: first--the people of Louisiana elected him on a reform platform, demonstrating their desire to get away from politics-as-usual, and second--Lee Domingue is a douche (and will probably get the "Who's a Douche?" award at some point in the near future). So, as I see it--play politics as usual--strike; support a clown in a race with a clear "good-guy" choice--strike. That would be two....and the way the local media is piling up on Jindal's jetsetting fundraising, the Gov best be careful.
Three strikes in this fickle fiefdom earns a fat K and a quick trip to the bench. Given the rise in sophistication of the Louisiana electorate over the past several years--that trip to the bench might be the end of a career.
06 April 2009
Did I hear that correctly?
You've GOT to be kidding me.
Let's last count, we've had to go over there and save the Europeans from themselves twice....and, if we were to sit on our haunches, grab a beer and light the pit, I'm pretty sure we'd get to watch the sorry fuckers go at it again.
And here's "our" President, making the global apology stop, Tehran, where he will apologize to the crazy Islamists for our insensitivity, which-obviously-has caused them to hijack airplanes, seize embassies, blow up buildings and fly planes into skyscrapers.
Yes, the electorate gets what they deserve....
01 April 2009
31 March 2009
When times get tough...the Tough write more tickets...
This has led the afflicted municipalities to do the things that you'd expect an entity with cash-flow issues do: cut services, attempt to increase fees and/or taxes, lay-off employees. Rational, responsible steps that everyone can probably be alright with. However, Denham Springs mayor Jimmy Durbin and police chief Jeff Wesley have a better idea: let's turn the police department in to a money making organization!!
Now...those with heavy right feet have long held that speeding tickets are simply revenue vehicles for political subdivisions. I am former law enforcement, and I do have a heavy right foot, but I don't fully agree with that position. I think that traffic enforcement does have a legitimate public safety component and that most agencies utilize it as such. Of course, some sh*thole Louisiana towns will gig you for 1 mile per hour over the limit (which, I'd be willing to bet, is well within the margin of error for most speedometers), which tells you right then and there that safety isn't why they're writing you...most places, I've noticed, give enough leeway for traffic to move along and not get anyone's hackles up. (As a side note to this rant, Louisiana State Rep. Hollis Downs of Ruston, LA, proposed limiting the take on traffic tickets in last year's legislative session...of course, small town mayors came out against quite vocally.)
Now, speeding tickets are one thing, but what Jimmy and Jeff are doing is an absolute abomination. I'm not sure how it is in the rest of the United States, but vehicle inspection stickers, in the state of Louisiana, are a joke. It's like "hey boy, hit ya horn, turn on ya lights and show me ya blinkers...oh yeah, step on your brakes and gimme $12--here's ya sticker..." And that's a THOROUGH inspection. The Motor Vehicle Inspection, in the state of Louisiana, is simply a $12 tax you pay, yearly, to operate a vehicle on the public roads. Here's the fun part--the TICKET for having an expired inspection sticker is $135. Cute huh...
Well, you certainly know where I'm headed, don't you?
That's right...Jimmy and Jeff are writing TONS of expired MVI tickets. And they're not just focusing on paying more attention to who's driving around with an expired MVI...they're actually dedicating up to 100% of the departments "on shift" resources to establishing MVI ROADBLOCKS (they call them "checkpoints," but checkpoint implies that they don't disrupt the flow of traffic...which they do).
So, let's see...teenagers going down Weeping Willow Drive (a 25 MPH zone) at 75...where are the cops? At the old Winn-Dixie, making money...
Idiots running the redlight at Hatchell Drive and US 190...and the cops are where? Yeah--At the Winn-Dixie, writing those high-dollar MVI tix...
One day, it's going to be: Three guys, armed to the teeth, knocking over the Regions Bank on Range....why did they get WELL away before the cops got there? Gee--they were hemmed in, writing MVI tickets downtown...
Okay--that was probably a little too extreme. But the point I'm getting at is--the people in Denham Springs, LA, pay their taxes and expect SERVICE from the municipal government. They don't WANT or DESERVE to have the city employ public safety officials as fund-raisers because the city is in a crack, financially. It's "Protect and Service," not "Protect and Collect."
If you read this and it gets you a little pissed, especially if you live in Denham Springs and it gets you a little pissed, here are Jimmy and Jeff's contact information...give 'em a call and or shoot 'em an email and let 'em know how you feel.
Mayor Jimmy Durbin
Chief Jeff Wesley
Contact Form can be found here!
Who's a Douche?
I'll call this installment one of "Who's a Douche?"
Periodically, someone will just get under my skin and win the "douche of the moment" label. I just had the misfortune of reading an article about how John "I'm smarter than everyone on the planet, but my wife is still an ugly bitch" Kerry thinks that banning "assault" weapons will fix the drug violence erupting along the U.S.-Mexican border.No, douche, Marines killing drug cartel-type Mexicans will fix the problem. It would probably also go a long way toward stemming the flow of illegals across the border. ("man...we don't wanna cross...those Marines might think we're drug cartel-type Mexicans and shoot us too..." I like solutions that fix more than one problem at a time.)
So, since he's drawn my ire recently, John Kerry gets the coveted "douche" label for this go-round.
30 March 2009
Compare and Contrast
Compare and contrast both the tone AND the presentation of factual elements in the following two Wikipedia entries:
A) Bobby Jindal
B) Barack Hussein Obama
29 March 2009
North Louisiana Has Gas....

(From totally kick-ass website!)
Which is why a lot of us in the oil and gas industry are baffled when the Prez (or, anyone else, for that matter) says he wants to limit our dependence on foreign sources of energy and, take the next breath, not allow and/or severely limit domestic exploration and production activities. Cake and eat it, too? Or, maybe, talking out of both sides of one's mouth?
I could rant on until I was nauseated about WHY the domestic oil and gas industry is good for the country--but if you want to get down to brass thingies--domestic energy equals domestic jobs. And not minimum-wage, no-benefit, burger-flipping jobs either. It's easy and plain to see what is actually going on...
It's part of the left's master plan: kiss the green wackos' asses, raise the price on energy until it becomes prohibitive to use, take money out of the working man's pocket and, ultimately, try to get everyone beholden to Big Government for everything.
It's sickening.
Jindal Jetting Around
She may actually have a point this time.
What we really need to ask is this: is the Governor of the State of Louisiana SOOOOO important and SOOOOO vulnerable that he needs Secret Service-like security, everywhere he goes? Granted, this has been going on a long time, so Jindal certainly isn't the first, but this necessary? Considering 90% (or more) of Americans couldn't not identify Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States, if shown a picture, do we really need to kid ourselves (or stoke the Governor's ego--whoever that Governor may be) by thinking that the Governor of Louisiana is a big target and needs some of Louisiana's finest quickstepping behind him where ever he goes?
I think not.
I had a friend, a trooper, who got assigned to Blanco's protective detail when she was still the Lieutenant Governor...he walked around with his chest poked out (more so than your average ticket-writing, overbearing, egotistical Louisiana State Trooper) and the Aviators on, thinking he was the stink...we periodically had to remind him that A) no one knew, even in the state of Louisiana, who Kathleen Blanco was, B) no one cared (and, in fact, did not, till she botched the Katrina gig) and C) taking a bullet for ANY Louisiana pol pretty much demonstrated that you're as dumb as you look.
So, let's start saving Louisiana some money and tell Governors to hire their own security for out-of-state, personal trips--hell, Huey did it.
(oh, and Miss Millhollon, if you SERIOUSLY think Kathleen Blanco's overseas trips were to lobby foreign businesses and not really just a chance for Coach to get out of the house, you're as dumb as we think you are...)